Guidance to Student Personnel on COVID-19 Procedures and Mitigation Measures
I want to take the opportunity to welcome you to Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Atlantic (EWTGLANT). Our highly professional instructors are dedicated to your development and, with your commitment, I am confident that you will exceed the demanding standards associated with your specific program of instruction. In addition to maintaining a COVID-19 free learning environment for you, we also host personnel preparing for near term deployments, and our instructor cadre embark to certify deploying units so we cannot jeopardize operational requirements through COVID-19 exposure or outbreaks. As such, we require your cooperation and compliance with both our learning methodology and our COVID-19 mitigation strategy.
Per Department of Defense (DoD) guidance, service members, DoD family members, DoD civilian employees, and DoD contractor personnel should not travel if they have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not yet met the criteria for discontinuing isolation, are symptomatic, or are pending COVID-19 test results. Travel should also be delayed if, in the past 14 days, they have been in close contact, as defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with someone who has tested positive for and/or been symptomatic of COVID-19. Prior to travel, all travelers should be educated on how to self-monitor and what actions to take if one develops COVID-19 signs or symptoms or contracts COVID -19.
Travelers that are immunized against COVID-19 are exempt from ROM Sequester. "Immunized," as defined by NAVADMIN 037/21, refers to travelers that have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series at least two weeks prior to the execution of travel. Travelers will need to present a copy of their COVID-19 vaccination card upon arrival if they did not execute a ROM.
Travelers that are NOT immunized AND who used commercial air transportation or were on multi-day travel are required to Restriction of Movement (ROM) Sequester for a period of not less than 10 Days (for courses convening Feb. 22, 2021 and beyond).
All travelers will contact their respective course manager and the EWTGLANT command duty officer immediately upon arrival to the Hampton Roads area to ensure that their orders can be endorsed properly for reimbursement purposes. Any person experiencing COVID -19 symptoms will contact the EWTGLANT command duty officer at (757) 462-7000. The CDO will make arrangements for a health assessment and follow-on testing.
During the ROM Sequester period students will minimize close contact with others, adhere to all COVID-19 mitigation procedures and wear facial coverings when within close proximity to others. Personnel can utilize base facilities and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) activities as needed for food and other essential services. While in ROM Sequester, students should consider their ROM location their appointed place of duty. Students in ROM Sequester are prohibited from accessing EWTGLANT buildings and classrooms until completion of their ROM/Sequester period.
Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic has directed HPCON Charlie at all installations in Hampton Roads area. The Virginia Beach area is returning approximately 20 percent positive COVID test results. As such, there is a possibility that someone in class may already have or may contract the virus. Wearing a face covering over both your nose and mouth is mandatory in the classroom, head facilities, and transiting in the passageways. Whenever possible, maintain six feet or more of separation between yourself and others. The use of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes is highly encouraged in addition to proper hand washing in order to prevent contamination around the classrooms and on equipment. While enrolled in courses, refrain from unnecessary travel and stops. Travel in the local off base area is limited to what is essential for maintaining your ability to operate. On base MWR concessions and activities are available as is the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek (JEBLC) galley, Navy Exchange, and Commissary. Dining in options at off base restaurants and bars is not permitted however, take-out and delivery options are authorized.
Students will ensure compliance of mask wearing and six feet of physical separation between themselves and others. Students are authorized to correct anyone that is not in compliance with the above measures. Any personnel who refuse to properly wear a face covering, appropriately social distance, sanitize, or who are observed not in compliance with these procedures after corrective action will be evaluated for removal from training and returned to their parent command.
I hope you have a safe, COVID-19-free learning experience at EWTGLANT. If there is anything I can do to assist you, please reach out through your instructor chain.
Donald G. Maraska, Colonel, USMC
Commanding Officer, EWTGLANT
March 15, 2021