The library maintains the following documents up through the secret classification level:
Naval Warfare Publications (NWP)
Navy Tactical Techniques and Procedures (NTTP)
Tactical Notes (TACNOTES)
Tactical Memoranda (TACMEMO)
NATO Publications
Lessons Learned
Joint Publications
Cruise Reports
Letters of Instruction (LOI)
Operation Plans
Analysis Reports
Audiovisual Material
Reference Items - Atlases, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, etc.
Library Services
Navy Warfare Electronic Library (NWEL), Allied Publications (AP), and Joint Electronic Library (JEL) access
NATO documents sub-registry
SIPRNET and NMCI web access
Interlibrary loan arraignments for documentation not available
Professional reading (military and naval histories, art of warfare classics, strategic studies)
Circulation Policy
The library's collection is available to all users with access to TACTRAGRULANT facilities. Documents can be checked out and returned upon the user's detachment from the command.
Location and Hours of Operation
The TACTRAGRULANT Library is located on the first floor in Room 123. The hours of operations are Monday through Friday, 0730 - 1630. Additional hours can be scheduled as required. The library phone numbers are 757 / DSN 492-7810.
Points of Contact